About the show
The goal of Forte Catholic is to share the Joy of the Gospel! The team of Taylor Schroll, Fr. Anthony Sciarappa, Allison Sullivan, & Kathryn Whitaker bring the laughs, insights and encouragement you need to get through your week and grow in your life of faith. There are weekly theme discussions, guest interviews from Catholic leaders from across the world and fun segments like Freestyle Preaching, Forte/Mezzo/Piano, Life Verse and much more. No matter where you are on your journey with God we want to help you take the next step by inspiring, uplifting, and sharing the Good News...all while laughing along the way.
The show appears weekly on YouTube & all podcasting platforms. It was a nominee for the Fisher’s Net Podcast of the Year Award in 2018 and has been mentioned in the Wall Street Journal.
Forte Catholic on social media
395: Mission Trip | Live from New Mexico
July 24th, 2024 | 1 hr 6 mins
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Taylor is joined by members of the Epiphany parish youth mission trip to discuss their trip & experiences on the reservation. Taylor led worship for a mission trip on Native land outside of Albuquerque and it was an incredible blessing! He is joined in Laguna, New Mexico by some leaders on the trip: youth minister Joey Harvey, missionary Emily Atkinson & Deacon Chris Walker. They discuss their parish's connection to this area, the work of their mission trip & their key takeaways from the trip.
394: Old Man Disease, Shattered Window & Hurricanes w/ Fr. Anthony Sciarappa
July 17th, 2024 | 44 mins 43 secs
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Stories galore in this fun episode! Taylor gets a new random disease, Fr. Anthony almost killed someone & Taylor was smack dab in the middle of Hurricane Beryl.
393: Hemp Homily, Monastery Visit & Answered Prayers w/ Kathryn Whitaker
July 10th, 2024 | 44 mins 44 secs
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Taylor shares three stories today about God showing up in some of the strangest places & one story about how Christians can just be the dumbest sometimes lol. We hope you enjoy this conversation about finding God in the strangest places, the most obvious places and the strange reactions when it happens.
392: Aggie Baseball, Loyalty & Leadership w/ Kathryn Whitaker
July 5th, 2024 | 48 mins 57 secs
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KATHRYN WHITAKER CALLED FOR AN EMERGENCY EPISODE! The Texas A&M Aggie Baseball team has had QUITE the saga over the past few weeks and she has THOUGHTS! It's a story of triumph, failure, loyalty, dishonor, anger and so much more! We hope you enjoy our conversation on this hot stove issue of the summer (with fancy connections to Church issues as a bonus.)
391: Storms & Duplication of Mission
June 26th, 2024 | 22 mins 38 secs
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Taylor shares some funny insights he had into the storm themed readings from this past Sunday. GOD DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR STORM!!! ...but he does care about you! He also shares about a breakthrough he's had in how he's thinking about his career in regards to duplication of mission. This came after a meeting with a Vatican official(FANCY!)
390: 50th Birthday, The King & Redemption w/ Kathryn Whitaker
June 19th, 2024 | 56 mins 16 secs
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Kathryn celebrates a monumental birthday, is part of a record breaking concert & Taylor has his deepest spiritual insight of the year! Quite the episode!
389: Bad Evangelization & Lost at Sea w/ Fr. Anthony Sciarappa
June 12th, 2024 | 1 hr 4 mins
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Live from Pittsburgh! Taylor suggests seven Catholic things and asks Father Anthony whether they are more helpful for evangelization or more of a hinderance. Also, Taylor has a new scenario where we explore the grey area of Catholic morality: being stranded at sea.
388: Cramps, Catholic Mashup & Marian Apparitions w/ Shaun McAfee
May 29th, 2024 | 53 mins 17 secs
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Shaun McAfee cohosts as they share stories about their body failing them in their old age. They also play the Catholic Mashup in the triumphant return of the fan favorite game. Shaun shares about the Pope's new document on Marian Apparitions.
387: Liturgical Music & Catholic Superstitions w/ Fr. Anthony Sciarappa
May 22nd, 2024 | 1 hr 1 min
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Taylor shares about a cool "crossover Mass" that the local Catholic school does and then yells about the music at Mass. He has a new rant for Fr. Anthony who tries to help him out with this issue and a strange superstition Taylor has about prayer. Is anyone else as crazy as Taylor?!?!
386: Meltdown May!
May 15th, 2024 | 50 mins 54 secs
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Taylor is back for a solo show after a few weeks hiatus from the podcast. It's been a crazy few weeks and he shares what's been going on, how crazy things have been, some thoughts on how the show will evolve in the future & more. Join Taylor as he tries to find the answers through a lot of tough situations.
385: Softball, Germany & Mentorship w/ Kathryn Whitaker
April 24th, 2024 | 1 hr 3 mins
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Taylor & Kathryn talk about his recent epic failures. She explains how Germany is Catholic & the importance of mentors.
384: Theft, Exercising Demons & Unity Game w/ Allison Sullivan
April 17th, 2024 | 59 mins 15 secs
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Allison one-ups Taylor, Taylor shares some good news & the pair try out a new game!
383: Idiots, Eclipse & Gifts of the Spirit w/ Fr. Anthony Sciarappa
April 10th, 2024 | 1 hr 4 mins
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A total eclipse is as rare as an incredible episode of this show. Both happened this week!
382: Catholic Speakers, Freestyle Preaching & Foster Care w/ Ryan O'Hara
April 3rd, 2024 | 1 hr 1 min
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Guest cohost Ryan O'Hara joins Taylor to discuss honing the craft of sharing the Gospel, they test their skills in our "Freestyle Preaching" game and Ryan shares his journey of becoming a foster parent.
381: Holy Week & Why We're Catholic w/ Kathryn Whitaker
March 27th, 2024 | 1 hr 6 mins
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Reflecting on the Holiest of Weeks on the Church calendar and explaining why we became Catholic & stick with it after all this time.
380: Anger Management & Catholic Questions w/ Allison Sullivan
March 20th, 2024 | 1 hr 13 mins
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Taylor has a laundry list of things currently driving him into fits of rage. Allison does her best to help him through it. As the Lenten season begins to wrap up, join us in our suffering. Misery loves company! They laugh through it and Allison shares her classic fiery preaching skills to guide us through times when anger wells up.