Taylor Schroll is a Catholic husband & father of three from central Texas. He is a full-time missionary with Ablaze Ministries and travels the country to speak and lead worship for events just like this one. He is also the host of “Forte Catholic,” a weekly radio show and podcast aimed to #MakeCatholicismFunAgain. His goal is to bring the joy of the Gospel to all he encounters and walk with people as they grow closer to Christ. Find out more at ForteCatholic.com.
Taylor Schroll has hosted 431 Episodes.
151: Jesus' Worst Parable, Rocky Balboa & Rachel Bulman's Life Story
September 4th, 2019 | 50 mins 52 secs
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Shaun McAfee cohosts as Taylor shares controversi…
150: Celebrating 150 Episodes w/Fr. Anthony & Multiple Surprise Guests
August 27th, 2019 | 54 mins 26 secs
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We made it 150 episodes! Fr. Anthony and Taylor celebrate by looking back at some of the best memories of the show with the help of many of our listeners who submitted their answers on social media.
149: Encounter Texas Conference & Pre-evangelization w/ Mary Lenaburg
August 21st, 2019 | 54 mins 35 secs
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Allison Sullivan cohosts as Taylor shares about his crazy week of starting school, working a retreat and the Encounter Texas conference all in the span of five days! Our guest this week is Mary Lenaburg, one of Allison’s favorite people on the planet! She is a leading speaker and author with a profound story of walking with God through some very difficult situations.
148: The Struggle is Real w/Liv Harrison and Catholic Magician Giancarlo Bernini
August 14th, 2019 | 53 mins 54 secs
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Liv Harrison guest cohosts this week!. Taylor gives an update on the crying, shares about spiritual direction and how it led to him watching Friends on Netflix instead of praying(dang it!) Our guest this week is Catholic Magician Giancarlo Bernini.
147: Millennial Jesus, Crying, Youth Ministry & Video Games w/ Jon Blevins & Work To Game
August 7th, 2019 | 54 mins 31 secs
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Jon Blevins co-hosts on his one year anniversary of first appearing on the show! Taylor shares why he's been crying while listening to podcasts in the woods and wonders if he's progressing or digressing as a human. With two of the biggest names in Catholic gaming, the guys chat about some of the pitfalls of gaming, how to avoid them and ultimately while they still play.
146: Have We Misunderstood Integrity? w/ Shaun McAfee
July 31st, 2019 | 53 mins 14 secs
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In an episode building towards a conversation on what real integrity is and how we may have been setting ridiculous standards for ourselves, Shaun instead wants to start the show by peeling back the curtain on some updates to the intro Taylor has had to implement.
145: Yelling Bible Verses & Catholicism in the NFL w/ Dave Neeson
July 24th, 2019 | 53 mins 41 secs
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Taylor and Allison Sullivan discuss & share their top five Bible verses to yell in public. They're also joined by Dave Neeson to share about his work with Catholics in the NFL.
144: Fr Anthony & Tea with Tolkien Break the Catholic Internet
July 16th, 2019 | 56 mins 3 secs
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Fr. Anthony co-hosts as he and Taylor start the show looking back at crappy situations and realizing how they actually helped us. Tea with Tolkien rejoins the show in an attempt to break the Catholic internet.
143: Saints Game & the Return of Bearded Blevins w/ Leo Gallegos
July 10th, 2019 | 54 mins 16 secs
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The Return of the King! Co-host Jonathan "Bearded" Blevins is back after a two month hiatus(cuz he's too cool traveling the world sharing the Gospel smh). We're joined by Leo Gallegos to hear his story about how improving his physical wellness did wonders for his personal life, faith and family. Jon and Taylor play a "guess that saint" game with the help of new saint cards from Andy "Shaggy" Korty.
142: Do You Trust Me? w/ Dude Catholic
July 2nd, 2019 | 49 mins 56 secs
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“Let's talk about Jesus and by that I mean the movie Aladdin” -Taylor. Shaun McAfee cohosts to talk about the theme of trust with Taylor and this week's guest, Adrian from the Dude Catholic podcast.
141: Best Friends, leadership & trivia w/DJ Bernal
June 25th, 2019 | 54 mins 50 secs
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Allison Sullivan cohosts and talks with Taylor about the recent Harry Potter game that was released this weekend, what that has to do with friendship and ultimately our relationship with God. Our guest this week is DJ Bernal. He works full-time as a leadership consultant at a hospital. He also travels to share the Gospel and biblical principles of leadership.
140: Reverence vs. Familiarity & Sam Guzman of the Catholic Gentleman
June 19th, 2019 | 54 mins 35 secs
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Taylor talks with Fr. Anthony about reverence vs. familiarity with God, imaginative prayer & are joined by Sam Guzman of the Catholic Gentleman.
139: Cemetery stories, haters and the One Hope Movement w/Chris Field
June 12th, 2019 | 54 mins 44 secs
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Taylor & Allison kick off the show by making fun of each other for quite some time and then Allison reacts to a ridiculous and funny cemetery story(weird right?) & finish the show by discussing how to deal with haters. Chris Field joins to share about the One Hope Movement.
138: Community, Friendship & Trust w/Liv Harrison
June 5th, 2019 | 55 mins 22 secs
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Liv Harrison is back as guest co-host! Her and Taylor start the show by sharing their odd confession/adoration experience minutes before the show started. The rest of the show, we talk about community & friendship.
137: Taylor was quiet!?!? & Shaun McAfee Returns at Long Last
May 29th, 2019 | 54 mins 25 secs
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At long last, our Italian cohost Shaun McAfee returns! He and Taylor catch up on everything that's happened since they last spoke, including Taylor's recent retreat WHERE HE WAS SILENT! WHAT!?!?!
136: God Made, Self Driven w/Dustin Bertrand & When Your Best Isn't Good Enough
May 22nd, 2019 | 56 mins 1 sec
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Allison Sullivan cohosts for conversations on when we do our best but it wasn't good enough and how to deal with that. Dustin Bertrand joins the show to discuss how "God made, self driven" has motivated his life.