Mike is a worship leader, speaker, writer, husband, and father. He is passionate about helping Catholics all over the country to help find peace and purpose in the love, mission, and Church of Jesus Christ. He is the host of Awaken Catholic's Podcast "Pop Culture Catechism."
Mike Tenney has been a guest on 1 episode.
239: Faithfulness, Wisdom, The Falcon & Winter Solider w/Mike Tenney
May 12th, 2021 | 56 mins 29 secs
best catholic podcast, catholic, catholic church, catholic podcast, christian music, faithfulness, falcon & winter solider, marvel, race, top catholic podcast, wisdom
Allison cohosts as Taylor shares a new Christian song that he has a love-hate relationship with. She also asks a deep question expecting a deep answer but gets a Taylor answer instead. She shares her wisdom anyways. Mike Tenney is our guest this week to discuss Marvel's "The Falcon & Winter Soldier."